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Friday, September 06, 2024

A Wild Update Appears

 Dear readers,

It has been a long, long time! I can't say that I'm back for good. I don't know if anyone even reads my scribblings here anymore. But I feel like it's time for an update on where I'm at these days.

Long story short, I am an author in my own right now. I've been publishing short stories since 2019, and am starting to get more work as an editor of anthologies too. I'm at the point in my career where folks start to contact me to commission stories. 

My first anthology just released yesterday. It has sold out in the US already! We're experiencing a few bumps along the road but I love my publisher; they've been fantastic!

Everyone loves my short stories so much, they keep pressuring me to write a novel. So, I'm going to give it another try. 

I am still very much open to inquires about reviewing books on the Brontes, even though I am not a scholar anymore.

I am going to, at least, try to get this place cleaned up a little (replace the header image, if I can).

Let me know how you're doing, dear friends!


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